
Junior Network: Online Coffee/ Tea & Talk Session in January 2023!

Our 15th coffee/tea & talk session will take place on Monday, January 30th, 2023 at 13:00.

Online Meeting: Coffee/Tea and Talk

Our next coffee/tea & talk session will take place on Monday, January 30th, 2023 at 13:00.

This coffee/tea and talk session will be all about your experiences during your Ph.D. We invited students from different Master`s programs to join us for a coffee or tea. As usual, we will take 15 minutes to have a chat in small groups in different break-out-rooms. Afterwards, all Ph.D. students can introduce themselves and share the highlights and challenges of their work. Then, we will have time to answer the questions of the Master`s students. We would be incredibly happy to see many of you attending the event and share your experiences with the students!

Zoom-Link: https://uni-konstanz-de.zoom.us/j/94922172311?pwd=clRRSVprQ0p2RnZLS2VUbmJlM1QvQT09 

Meeting ID: 949 2217 2311

Passcode: 162384 

You can already save the date for the following sessions (always at 1pm):

Tuesday, February 28th 2023
Friday, March 31st 2023
Friday, April 28th, 2023
Wednesday, May 31st, 2023

Concept of SSECR Junior’s Coffee/Tea and Talk:

Every month there is an opportunity for a zoom-meeting among SSECR Juniors. Potential new members are always welcome to participate in an event to get familiar. The aim is to connect with other early career researchers in the field of early childhood research in a relaxed atmosphere.The event takes place online on the last workday of each month at 1pm. Usually, we first split up into small groups for informal conversations.  At 1:15 pm there will be a short presentation by a junior (or sometimes senior) of the SSECR. At 1:30 there is the possibility to drop out of the session (since your mug will probably be empty by then) or to discuss the presentation. This discussion is moderated by a member of the orga-team.

We are looking forward to chatting and drinking coffee or tea with you!