New: Interviews from this year's Annual Meeting with Lieselotte Ahnert, Oskar Jenni and Andrea Lanfranchi from the HfH's Science Communication Department
The third annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Early Childhood Research (SSECR) took place at the HfH on 23-24 November 2021. A variety of researchers participated in the conference by presenting their current research. The conference was sponsored by the Jacobs Foundation, MAM and the HfH.
Throughout the two days, interviews were held with the two keynote speakers Prof. Dr. Dr. Lieselotte Ahnert and Prof. Dr. Oskar Jenni as well as with Prof. Dr. Andrea Lanfranchi from the organising committee. Click here for the article and the three interviews: https://www.hfh.ch/heterogenitaet-ist-schlicht-ein-fakt
Many thanks to the two authors Dr. Dominik Gyseler and Dr. Steff Aelig from the HfH Science Communication for the great report!