Junior Network: Online Coffee/ Tea & Talk Session in August
Our 14th coffee/tea & talk session will take place on Friday October 28th 2022 at 13:00.
Johanna Lieb will present her current work on social-emotional competencies of children.
Zoom-Link: https://uni-konstanz-de.zoom.us/j/94922172311?pwd=clRRSVprQ0p2RnZLS2VUbmJlM1QvQT09
Meeting ID: 949 2217 2311
Passcode: 162384
Abstract:The Zurich Learning Progress Survey (Züricher Lernverlaufserhebung ZLVE) will examine the educational trajectories of children in Zurich throughout their compulsory schooling. The focus is on both subject-specific and cross-subject competencies. We, i.e. Sonja Perren and Johanna Lieb, are responsible for the survey of social-emotional competencies. We are developing performance-based test procedures that can be used for children up to second grade. Next week, we will start piloting them. I will give a brief overview of which social-emotional competencies we will be surveying and then introduce the corresponding instruments. I look forward to ideas and feedback!