Junior Network: Online Coffee/ Tea & Talk Session in August
Florian Teichen from Leipzig University will give us a sneak peak into his eye tracking study.
Zoom-Link: https://uni-konstanz-de.zoom.us/j/94922172311?pwd=clRRSVprQ0p2RnZLS2VUbmJlM1QvQT09
Meeting ID: 949 2217 2311
Passcode: 162384
Abstract: The Gaze-Scratch-Paradigm, a gaze-contingent eye tracking study.The aim of this study is to test the development of agency in infancy. Minimal agency is an infants’ ability to adapt its bodily movement to new circumstances. The ‘Gaze Scratch Paradigm’ (GSP) is an interactive eye-tracking study. Infants are confronted with different possibilities for action. The main research question is, to what degree infants are able to control their eye movement (i.e., flexibly adapt them to new circumstances)? Each trial of the GSP has three phases, a baseline phase in which infants can visually explore a full-screen image. Followed by the contingent phase in which the full-screen image is initially covered with a single-color layer which can be scratched-off to reveal the underlying image by looking at the screen. And finally, the scratch function stops in the disconnect phase and infants can now visually explore the result of their scratching action. The ‘Gaze Scratch Paradigm’ is adapted from Miyazaki et. al. 2014. The images have a uniform background with two single objects standing out. Image category ‘drop’ displays objects in the upper left and lower right corner. Image category ‘rise’ displays objects in opposite corners of the screen. Accordingly, an area of interest (AOI) is defined for each image category that consists of both quadrants containing objects. We expect to find different gaze patterns in the rise compared to the drop condition in the contingent as well as in the disconnect phase. In particular, we expect infants to look longer into the area of interest of the respective condition (i.e. more looks to the upper left and the lower right corner for the category ‘drop’ and more looks to the upper right and the lower left corner for the category ‘rise’). Also, we expect that, within each phase of the experiment as well as across phases, infants’ looking patterns are more similar for images of the same image category. In my presentation I show preliminary results, explain the process of bayesian sequential testing and discuss some difficulties of testing six to ten month-old infants.