Junior Network: Next Coffee/Tea and Talk
Online Meeting: Coffee/Tea and Talk
Hello and warm invite to our tenth (hooray!) coffee/tea & talk session for the SSECR Juniors. It will take place on Monday May 30th 2022 at 13:00
Info on the concept of the meeting below ↓
Zoom-Link: https://fernuni.zoom.us/j/61688399693?pwd=MXNSQ1lOUG5ZVk14dkw1bGkvTUh0QT09
Meeting-ID: 616 8839 9693
Kenncode: 117700
Judith Maier from the PH Thurgau (Link to her profile) will present part of her PhD-Project.
The first planned publication deals with the validation of a new measurement instrument for the assessment of narrative skills. These skills are often required in school. The children are expected not only to understand the teacher’s narratives but also to tell or recall stories. In addition, narrative skills are essential for reading and writing and therefore for academic success.
The sample for this study consisted of 293 kindergarten children (Mage=58.45 months, SDage=4.44 months at Wave 1; 53.9% girls) who were drawn from the intervention study «promoting oral texts in kindergarten classrooms» by the Early Language Education Research Group under the direction of Dieter Isler. In the presentation, the results will show the development of narrative skills during kindergarten, criterion validity and measurement invariance.
Concept of SSECR Junior’s Coffee/Tea and Talk:
Every month there is the opportunity for a zoom-meeting among SSECR Juniors (potential new members are always welcome to participate in an event to get familiar).The aim is to get in touch with each other in a relaxed atmosphere with coffee or tee and to connect Early Career Researchers in the field of early childhood research. The event takes place online on changing workdays at 1pm. Usually, we first split up in random groups of two to get to know each other in person (it is easier to communicate this way than in big groups). At 1:15pm there will be a short, creative presentation by one of us about a PhD- or work related project. At 1:30 there is the possibility to opt out and get back to work (since your mug will probably be empty by then) or keep discussing the project and other issues that you would like to talk about among peers. This discussion will be moderated (e.g. by a member of the organising committee).
We are looking forward to chatting and drinking coffee or tee with you!
You can already save the date for the following sessions (always at 1pm):