
Save the Date: 3rd Annual Meeting+Preconference of the SSECR

Please save the dates for this year`s preconference and annual scientific meeting of the SSECR that will take place in Zurich at the HfH (Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik) on November 23th and 24th, 2021. This year's meeting will be jointly organised by the University of Applied Sciences in Special Needs Education (HfH), the Zurich University of Teacher Education, the University Children's Hospital Zurich, the Marie Meierhofer Children's Institute, and the University of Zurich.

Dear Members and Friends of the Swiss Society for Early Childhood Research

Please save the dates for this year`s preconference and annual scientific meeting of the SSECR that will take place in Zurich at the HfH (Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik) on November 23th and 24th, 2021. This year's meeting will be jointly organised by the University of Applied Sciences in Special Needs Education (HfH), the Zurich University of Teacher Education, the University Children's Hospital Zurich, the Marie Meierhofer Children's Institute, and the University of Zurich.

The aim of the interdisciplinary conference is to bring together researchers from various disciplines of early childhood research. Given the current challenges caused by the pandemic, we chose the optimistic motto "#comebackstronger" for this year’s annual meeting. The scientific meeting features keynote addresses by the highly distinguished researchers Lieselotte Ahnert and Daniel Schechter, as well as a wide variety of oral and poster presentations by early childhood researchers.

This year we will be holding a one and a half day event. The meeting will start with a half-day preconference on 23 November 2021. This preconference includes the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas in Special Interest Groups. The Junior Researcher Network (information coming soon) has just been established, as well as the Perinatal Research Special Interest Group (information attached). If you have further ideas for interest groups, we would appreciate your feedback. The preconference ends with a keynote address by Oskar Jenni and a moderated roundtable discussion with Flavia Wasserfallen, Simon Sommer, Benjamin Roduit and Andrea Lanfranchi. This will be followed by an Apéro.  

Further information on call for oral or poster contributions will follow soon along with a link for registration. For more information on the SSECR and the last year`s annual meeting, please visit www.earlychildhoodresearch.ch. Please also check for recent news our Twitter channel http://twitter.com/ssecr_

We would appreciate your assistance in widely distributing the save the date to your networks and we look forward to hopefully seeing you in Zurich. Please also contact us via info@earlychildhoodresearch.ch with any questions you might have.

With kind regards on behalf of the Organizing Committee of the Annual Meeting